Editor’s Note: The largest gathering of Chrysler and Dodge enthusiasts on the West Coast is happening this week, culminating in the 11th annual Spring Festival of LXs Saturday. But like any great event, getting there is half the fun. This week, we’re following a team from Houston-based Space City LX , a Mopar club geared for owners of Chrysler 300, Dodge Charger, Challenger, Magnum, and Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT vehicles.
SCLX Vice President Rob David is working with us to provide an enthusiast’s view of #SF11Migration, as well as thoughts during and after Spring Fest. We’ll get information and images from along the route that we’ll post at FiatChyrsler_NA. To follow the SCLX team directly, check them out on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.

Dodge Charger Super Bee, belonging to Mark Hecht, a.k.a. FreebirdSRT, of Space City LX. Mark has been to every Spring Fest.
Good morning from Las Cruces, New Mexico. This is the traditional overnight stop on the way to Irvine for Spring Festival. The Space City LX crew arrived last night, met up with travelers from Dallas-Fort Worth LX Club (DFWLX) and spent the evening with the Las Cruces Mopar family.
As is every year we travel, we have enthusiasts new to Spring Festival, we have some returning, and we have one with perfect attendance, Mark (known to the community at FreebirdSRT). In fact, early on in the LX lifecycle, Mark owned all three LX platform SRT models at one time (300, Charger, Magnum).
Why would enthusiasts from Houston make the 1,500 mile trip to Spring Festival? For us it is summed up in two words, the people. In today’s technologically advanced age, face-to-face interaction is the icing on the digital communication cake.
We look forward to sharing some of our adventures on the way to Irvine.