Ahead of National Intern Day (July 25), we reflect on our responsibility as leaders to help give the next generation the tools they need to blaze their own paths into the future. FCA hosts hundreds of college students across the Company every summer who are looking to make their mark. This year is no different, except that we have a special group joining us from Southeastern High School in Detroit.
Last month, we shared how our high school neighbors toured the Jefferson North Assembly Plant (JNAP). We also talked about how we are establishing an educational partnership with the school and what’s in store for the future (spoiler alert: a Manufacturing Academy in 2020).
We didn’t want to wait until 2020 to get things moving, so a team at FCA pulled together a comprehensive internship program for recent graduates from Southeastern. Nine of the school’s 35 graduates were selected for an eight-week internship at JNAP, providing them an opportunity to make real change inside the plant’s walls.

“The benefit of us having these students so early is we can start teaching them and coaching their work ethic, seeing what they have and offering them what they need,” said Caron Recker, World Class Manufacturing Lead – JNAP. “It’s going to transition into something so much bigger for the community and for FCA.”
On July 8, these nine interns went from lockers to conveyors, supporting a number of areas inside the plant including logistics, communication, environmental and maintenance. Then, once a week, the interns are integrated into different FCA values from financial wellness to volunteerism. Last week, they unloaded more than 22,000 pounds of cereal at Gleaners Community Food Bank. This week, they’re cleaning up a park in the neighborhood directly across from the new plant.
Check back soon to hear more about their experiences and how FCA is supporting its surrounding communities.