Chrysler | March 25 2015

Wheel Wednesday

Let’s get wheel. We all like a little bling, right? From super shiny to hyper black, the 2015 Chrysler 300 has many options when it comes to wheels. I like to think of them as the perfect accessory to the typical black tire. Everyone has black tires, but your wheel-design can really help you stand
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Jeep | March 24 2015

The Jeep Girls visit the historic east, Part 1

The average temperature in our neck of the woods is 77.5 degrees for the month of February. Naturally, we decided to venture to a part of the country where the average high barely reaches teens this time of the year. We were greeted at the PHL Airport by a Baja Yellow ray of sunshine that
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Auto Shows | March 23 2015

A platform for expression

We’re now on a nickname basis for an old friend. Its formal title is Spring Festival of LXs, but we can get away with the shorter Spring Fest or even the hashtag #sf10. Next year will be its 11th go-round, so it’ll be #sf11. LX is a vehicle architecture, or platform, which provides the underpinnings
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Chrysler,Dodge | March 20 2015

Starting off Spring Festival of LXs

Fans of the modern-day Mopar muscle car are gathering for the 10th annual Spring Festival of LXs, when hundreds of Chrysler 300s and Dodge Chargers, Challengers and Magnums will roll into Southern California’s Verizon Amphitheater. The big day is Saturday. But not everyone wants to wait. Some drove hundreds of miles to attend. So the
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Powertrains | March 18 2015

The Diesel behind diesel

Power and fuel efficiency – you can have both. Some of the credit for that goes to Rudolph Diesel, who was born 157 years ago on March 18, 1858. His quest to develop a power unit that was more efficient than the steam engine is why the diesel is one of today’s popular workhorse power
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Auto Shows | March 17 2015

Migration to Spring Fest 10 under way

This weekend, the annual migration of Mopar-or-no-car enthusiasts to the Spring Festival of LXs started. Numerous owners of Chrysler 300s, Dodge Challengers, Chargers and Magnums have loaded up their cars or loaded them into a trailer to drive to California and gather with fellow owners to check out their rides, mods and share stories. According
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Ram | March 11 2015

Guts. Glory. Green.

By the end of the year, you will be able to get a Ram 2500 CNG in regular cab and 2WD configurations, in addition to the current 4×4 Crew Cab option. The expansion of the bi-fuel — CNG and gasoline — Ram 2500 CNG offers more choices for prospective retail and fleet owners, and is
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