Jeep | September 28 2014

Jeep Girls get lost in Napa Valley

As dark broke to daylight, the ground became increasingly farther away, and we were floating aloft. It was not a dream, though the air was cool and calm enough to lull all 12 passengers to an awe-struck silence. We were climbed high over Pope Valley. Yahoo! Staring down at the becoming harvest, there was not a
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Pentastar Passion | September 24 2014

Objects in the Mirror… reflecting you

Notice anything? Even if you’re an infrequent visitor to the Chrysler Group blog, you have probably noticed the new look. Bigger, bolder images. Easier navigation. Easier commenting and sharing. A one-stop-shop for access to other corporate and brand social platforms. You also should notice, if we’re doing our job right, better stories. With exceptions here
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Fiat | September 23 2014

Electric vehicle sparks expansion

The Fiat 500e is charging ahead with new colors, new accolades and new leasing opportunities. Fiat USA has expanded sales of the Fiat 500e to Oregon. The environmentally friendly city – popular with many bike-riding, eco-friendly, fun loving hipsters – is now home to the award-winning Fiat 500e. The electric vehicle is perfect for people
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Chrysler | September 18 2014

The car that keeps on giving

Editor’s Note: In the Pentastar family, nearly every car or truck has its own unique story. Below is one we received via the Submit Your Story at Chrysler On Demand. We hope you’ll enjoy it as much as we do.If you and your ride have a story to tell, let us know. Irene Loschetter –
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